Video Portfolio
KALEIDO (2023) is a short film that combines movement with both in-camera techniques and post-editing effects to explore the many facets within one’s psyche.
Created in collaboration with Tate J. Navarro
Directed, filmed, and edited by Christina McKinney
With Undivided Awareness (excerpt)
With Undivided Awareness (2022) is a quartet that brings elements of screendance onto the stage using phones, live-streaming software, and projections. It embraces the camera as a performer, brings the audience a new perspective on live dance, and acts as an immersive experience for dancers as they explore the concept of building awareness through pausing and observation—something we don’t have much time to do in our daily lives.
Choreography, technology design, and programming by Christina McKinney
I’ll Stop For Now
Utilizing elements of animation over live-action footage, the dance film, I’ll Stop For Now (2021) captures a woman’s journey and her daily interactions with the weights of the world.
Choreography, direction, animation, and editing by Christina McKinney
And I Am Here
And I Am Here (2019) displays an internal/external struggle through movement and setting. Christina McKinney's choreography embraces site-specific dance to compare and contrast feeling enclosed in one’s self to an outer-body daze, and is composed of collaborative movement that includes: frantic traveling, staccato gestures, internal-focus, and moments of stillness. The film is set in areas of containment and openness all located in Memphis, TN, and is accompanied by an all-original score composed by Kelly Lenahan, and beautiful cinematography by Justan Li.
Directed, choreographed, & edited by Christina McKinney. Cinematography by Justan Li. Music by Kelly Lenahan
With My Eyes Closed
Is it possible to deconstruct a dance? With My Eyes Closed (2018) approaches this question in a similar method to putting together a puzzle blindly. Created in an out of order process, this duet features two women strategically hurtling through space, interrupted by a sudden break to investigate the moment they are in.
Choreography and costuming by Christina McKinney, lighting design by Kenton Jones.
To Be a Part Of
To Be a Part Of (2017) was the finale of the evening length concert, Of Being. It investigates the inner thoughts and idea of the entire show, with a soloist investigating all the movement from the show while surrounded by the performers jumping in and around. It showcases my choreographic process, and how I feel internally when creating movement and structuring pieces.
Choreography, costuming, and solo performed by Christina McKinney (in black dress)
You’d Mean More If You Remembered
You'd Mean More If I Remembered (2016) was created originally as a part of The 168 Hour Project, choreographed in merely one week. It began as a questioning of the rules of a duet and how they can be broken, and evolved into an exploration inspired by the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the concept of erasing memories.
Choreography, costuming, lighting design by Christina McKinney
We Are All Going
We Are All Going (2015) is about the relationship between life and death, and the commonality of being human. It expresses the ways in which we all grow, learn, love, dream, comfort, and cope within our own span of life, while also playing a part in the lives of others.
Choreography, costuming, and lighting ideas by Christina McKinney
With The New Day
With the New Day (2016) explores the concept of restriction. Five females dressed in corsets and petticoats sweep on and off stage in a pedestrian array accompanied by the ramblings of British philosopher Alan Watts and an echoing instrumental selection.
Choreographed, costume, and lighting by Christina McKinney
Appointments (music video)
Appointments (2017) consists of the usage of site-specific dance and improvisation structures to showcase the shadows of mental illness within one’s own head. In collaboration with director, Sophia Peer, and singer-songwriter, Julien Baker.
Choreography by Christina McKinney - featured as one of the performers (long ponytail).